Hormone therapy - Restore Hormone Clinic

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating many of the body's functions including metabolism, growth and development, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and more. When hormone levels are unbalanced, it can lead to a variety of symptoms and health issues. Hormone replacement therapy can help restore optimal hormone levels, leading to numerous benefits. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of hormone therapy, reasons for hormonal imbalance, treatment options, and the advantages of timely diagnosis and treatment.

What are Hormones and How do They Affect Health?

Hormones are chemicals produced by glands and released into the bloodstream. They act as messengers, traveling to different parts of the body to control and coordinate various bodily functions. Some key hormones include:

When hormone levels are too high or too low, it can disrupt homeostasis and cause hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance manifests differently in men and women but can lead to issues like:

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What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?

There are several potential causes of hormonal imbalance:

Aging and Perimenopause

As women approach menopause, estrogen and progesterone production declines leading to imbalance. Perimenopause starts several years before menopause, causing irregular periods and symptoms.

Thyroid Disorders

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) affects thyroid hormone levels.

Chronic Stress

Stress hormones like cortisol can become elevated, disrupting other hormones.


Excess body fat can increase estrogen and alter hormone levels.


Chronic inflammation in the body affects hormone balance.


Certain prescription drugs like corticosteroids, opioids, birth control pills can impact hormones.

Poor Diet and Lifestyle

Lack of exercise, poor sleep, smoking, excessive alcohol, and an unhealthy diet contribute to hormonal issues.

Restore balance, revitalize health with hormone therapy.

Signs and Symptoms of Imbalance

Here are some common signs indicating potential hormonal imbalance:

Symptom Description
Irregular periods Heavy, painful, or irregular menstrual cycles, PMS
Infertility Difficulty getting pregnant
Low libido Decreased sex drive and sexual function
Hot flashes Sudden feelings of heat, flushing, sweating
Mood changes Depression, anxiety, irritability
Cognitive issues Memory lapses, difficulty concentrating
Weight gain Increased body fat, especially around the waist
Hair changes Thinning hair, hair loss on scalp
Skin problems Acne outbreaks and oily skin
Sleep disruptions Insomnia, difficulty falling or staying asleep
Fatigue Low motivation, lack of energy
Muscle loss Decreased muscle mass and strength
Bone density loss Increased risk of osteoporosis

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalance

To diagnose hormonal imbalance, doctors may use the following methods:

Based on test results and symptoms, doctors can diagnose specific hormone disorders like hypothyroidism, menopause, PCOS, etc.

Benefits of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Getting tested and treated for hormonal imbalance in a timely manner provides many advantages:

Benefit Description
Relieve unpleasant symptoms Treatment can reduce symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, low libido that impact quality of life
Protect long-term health Balancing hormones lessens risk for conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease
Prevent progression of hormonal disorders Early treatment can stop disorders like thyroid imbalance from worsening over time
Improve fertility outcomes Restoring hormone balance increases chances of pregnancy
Slow aging process Optimal hormone levels boost cellular health and slow aging
Enhance physical and mental performance Correcting imbalance improves energy, mood, concentration, stamina

Restore Balance with Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement Therapy

The main treatment approaches for hormonal imbalance are:

HRT involves taking estrogen, progesterone or testosterone medication to restore optimal levels. It is most commonly used for perimenopause and menopause symptoms. HRT medication can be taken as pills, patches, gels, injections, implants or vaginal creams/tablets.

Compounded bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to hormones produced in the body. They are custom formulated in compounding pharmacies at precise doses tailored to each patient's needs. Types include estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Protocols

Before starting HRT, doctors run blood tests to measure hormone levels. They tailor HRT medication, delivery method and dosage to the patient's specific hormonal needs.

For women: Start with low dose estrogen. Add micronized progesterone if patient still has a uterus to prevent uterine cancer.

For men: Typically testosterone medications (gels, patches, injections) are used. Dosage is adjusted based on blood levels.

Patients start on a low dose of hormones, which is gradually increased over weeks/months based on symptom relief and blood test results. Hormone levels are monitored to make medication adjustments. Patients on HRT long-term follow up with doctors every 6-12 months.

Lifestyle Changes to Balance Hormones

Along with HRT, making positive lifestyle changes can help restore hormonal balance by reducing inflammation and excess body fat.

Nutrition - An anti-inflammatory diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, whole grains. Avoid sugar, trans fats, alcohol.

Exercise - Moderate cardio and strength training helps improve insulin sensitivity.

Stress management - Try yoga, meditation, journaling, time outdoors.

Sleep - Get 7-9 hours nightly for hormonal regulation.

Healthy weight - Excess body fat disrupts hormone balance.

Making nutritional, stress-reducing, metabolic-boosting lifestyle changes combined with HRT offers the most favorable hormonal balance outcomes.

Hormone Therapy at Restore Hormone Clinic

At Restore Hormone Clinic, our hormonal imbalance specialists provide cutting edge diagnosis and personalized treatment plans to restore hormone balance. We offer both traditional and bioidentical hormone therapy using the latest therapeutic advances.

Our hormone therapists are highly trained medical experts who specialize in precision hormone testing and evidence-based treatment approaches tailored to your unique hormonal needs. We take an integrative approach, combining bioidentical HRT with customized lifestyle guidance for optimal hormonal health and vitality.

To learn more about our hormone balancing programs for both women and men, schedule a consultation at Restore Hormone Clinic today!

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